英訳メールの作成 - naokoshの提案

英訳メールの作成 - naokoshさんの提案詳細

提案文 :
  Thank you so much for your friendship and cute smile.Ⅰ am thankful to you for invaitation.Ⅰ have a lotof happy memories with you.
  By the way,I have some of idea which is necessary for your help.Would you please come to my house.Let us eat handmade dinner. 
  I wish you have enough time to come to our house and talk with us.
  Dinner party will be opened at 
pm.7 on this saturday.I am looking  forward to your calling.Good bye.
           All our wishes,
2009-04-04 16:50:10


naokosh (naokosh)
個人 その他 山形県 実績 0

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