6月30日まで 新規会員登録とパッケージ出品で 2000円割引クーポンプレゼント! ※無くなり次第終了 ご利用方法

Ryohei Hamada (winnerdev2012) の提案実績



Ryohei Hamada
Ryohei Hamada (winnerdev2012)

Full Stack Developer

  • 0 満足
    0 残念
  • 個人

2012 to 2021
Highly skilled and experienced Senior PHP Developer with a proven track record of delivering robust and scalable web applications. Proficient in modern PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, or CodeIgniter, with expertise in backend development and API integrations. Strong knowledge of front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/jQuery for seamless user experiences. Adept at database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL), optimizing queries for performance.

2021 - Present
Full Stack Developer with over 10 years of experience in Java/JS, Angular, Vue, MERN, JavaSpring, Struct, MySQL. Led
development of $500K research project which was deemed a "gold standard" by the client.




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