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Design and Develop a 2D JavaScript Gameます

Complete Game Production. A one stop shop.


Dear Potential Client

Greetings, I hope all is well.
I will develop even design and develop a 2D JavaScript game.
The game will be complete with splash screens, settings screens, sound tracks and sound effects.
The game assets are provided unless not required. **(Pease note I usually make use of freely available internet resources but only those with permitting licenses).
Games are fun, but also complex. Sometimes all one has is an idea and a rough sketch. That is OK. Let us have a conversation
and I will turn you idea into a Professional Game Design Document and then into a working product.

The service caters to anyone and everyone weather you looking for a pet project or you are an industry giant looking for an affordable game studio that can produce quality results.

-- Deliverables
For most projects the provided content will be a zip folder of
-game assets
-game code
-an HTML file named after the game that serves as the games executable.
(The game run inside the browser).

--Flow after purchase.
-Please, provide a detailed description of the project (Images illustrations are greatly appreciated, but not required).
Should you have a Game Design Document please, may please make it available.
-I will begin working on the project. While working on the project I check in with you to ensure we are always on the same page.
-I will deliver the project to you.
-Any revisions or modification will be made at this point.

All will design and develop game of any game Genre, except for strategy games, for these usually sometimes require a little more time in order truly perfect them.

--Pricing and Delivery Date
**Please Note: Should you find the need. Pricing and Delivery Dates are negotiable as per project complexity.

If you have been struggling to find someone that can take the time to truly listen and understand you ideas;
Please let us finally bring that idea to fruition.

Thank you, I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.

PC モバイル
アクション アドベンチャー アーケード 教育 格闘ゲーム アイドル 音楽 プラットフォーマー パズル レース ロールプレイング シューティング シミュレーション スポーツ




Splash Screens, Settings Screens, Basic Animations & Sounds 3 Levels 2 revisions


Splash Screens, Settings Screens, Solid Animation & Sound, 7 Levels, 2 revisions


Your wish I my command. Price and Delivery Date Dependent on project complexity.
6 日
14 日
21 日


Andrews Saulos Manjolo
Andrews Saulos Manjolo (SyStem_DesiGNeR)

A games, web and desktop applications developer

  • 0 満足
    0 残念
  • 個人

I am a 2D and 3D games, web and desktops applications developer and 3d artist(Blender3d). I have experience working with Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, SQL, Angular, HTML and CSS. As a self taught developer,
learning new skills is one of my skills. I am willing to learn new skills as required, that is if the given job is in a position to allow me the time. I will design and make website frontends, 2d or 3d games, as well as Python and JavaScript scripts.


Greetings, Please provide a Game Design Document or a detailed description of the game idea.